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Congratulations! The professional interests that stand out in your profile are mainly the Investigative and Artistic. For this reason, you should choose jobs and studies that involve the observation of physical or intellectual phenomena and creative ability or imagination

A job with a bright future that matches your combination of interests is the Expert Data Science Astronomer But if you need to make a really successful decision about what to study or what to work in, we recommend that you take one of our Advanced Orientation tests.

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Expert Data Science Astronomer

ALMA is the largest astronomical project in the world, generating 2 TB of data every day.

The Data Science Expert Astronomer will be the professional in charge of designing the global Big Data system to be used by research entities for the collection, analysis and storage of data from astronomical sources. He/she will be an expert in data science, but must also understand the astrophysics environment and the different types of data collected in it. He/she must understand which data can provide decisive information, differentiating the needs of each line of research, so as to be able to devise a global and integrative data collection system that facilitates its subsequent analysis. He/she will be able to bring together in a single database measurements of different types, without the risk of bias or overlapping of information, ensuring its correct storage. In addition, it will assist researchers, helping to create forecasts and scales that can support research.

Interest in space can be traced back to the dawn of mankind, and research into space is now at an all-time high. According to publications from the University of Chicago, each generation of observatories is 10 times more sensitive than the last, exponentially increasing the amount of data they generate. Chile is home to ALMA, the largest astronomical project in the world today, which probes the universe with radio telescopes, generating 2 TB of data daily, equivalent to enough space to record 238 episodes of Friends. This increase in data appears in parallel to the growth of the Big Data market, which according to Statista data will reach $103 billion by 2027. Both the growth of the market and the growth of the data generated by all research projects will create a huge employment opportunity for data scientists in this sector.

Big Data is the science of massive data processing and treatment. Due to the large volume of data (petabytes and exabytes from thousands of different sources) and its continuous growth, data processing is performed with specific technologies and methodologies such as Hadoop. The field of astronomy and astrophysics collects millions of data daily from telescopes, dishes and satellites that probe space in search of diverse information. The Pan-STARRS telescope alone, located in Hawaii, has generated 1.6 million gigabytes (the equivalent of 30,000 times the information contained in Wikipedia). All this knowledge requires Big Data methodologies to be analyzed and generate conclusions that can help advance research in this field. Therefore, entities engaged in astronomical research must have specialized personnel to analyze and understand the data.

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