School of Advanced Guidance

Get to know all the keys to get up to date in the 21st Century guidance

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Update your mainstay knowledge in the 21st Century professional guidance

Introductory session (free of charge)

Introductory session of the complete course for the traditional counselors, so they can verify themselves why is it necessary to change the academic and professional guidance paradigm.

Complete course for counselors

Designed to fully enable traditional counselors through the most complete course. They will gain all the keys and become EXPERTS IN ADVANCED GUIDANCE.

Modular courses for counselors

For traditional counselors to focus on training in those specific aspects of ADVANCED COUNSELING that they need the to update to the training and professional reality.

To whom it was designed for


Guidance counselors, tutors, teachers, school principals, university directors, etc.


In charge of preventing early school dropout among vulnerable youth and improving their employability.


Human resources managers, talent experts, facilitators,
coaches, recruitment, etc.


Teams in charge of education, qualification and employability of citizens.

Complete course modules for counselors


What you will learn



Introduction: we take you on a walk through 2035
In this introductory session you will find out on your own how necessary is a new professional and academic guidance paradigm. Discover the keys to change.



Why does traditional guidance no longer work?
Is it really that much harder to choose trainings and jobs now than it was for our parents? Yes, it is. Discover what is making this choice that hard.



If you want to help someone to choose trainings or jobs, don’t start by talking about trainings and jobs.
Find out how to discover people's talents: the first thing to know in order to make successful choices.



People are no longer going to occupy a "corporate position", we are going to play a "professional role".
Find out what each person's purpose is to ensure professional fulfillment in the new job outlook.



If there is one thing that is clear, it is that, whether we like it or not, we are all going to work with technology.
Find out which ones offer the greatest opportunities and discover which ones are the best fit for each of us so that we can start training for them.



But the future jobs haven’t been invented yet, have they? Of course they have, and even more, they have increasing employability.
Find out which ones fit each person and help them get ahead of the future to make successful choices.


Become an advanced guidance expert

What is included:

Get with your training 1 free guidance pack + 1 advanced guidance expert certificate.


Video sessions


Guidance pack as a gift


Unlimited question resolution


Lifetime access


Expert Certificate

Special bonus:
Includes a Basic Pack from
Singularity Experts.
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Special bonus:
Includes a Flash Pack from
Singularity Experts.
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Help your teams understand the future

We design customized training sessions

Our face-to-face courses are meant for schools, universities, companies, foundations, and public institutions. After these sessions, people end up understanding easily all the changes that are making them rethink their jobs and they can also answer many questions that they ask themselves every day: Could I lose my job? What are these new jobs? Where are the opportunities for the “humanities” professionals? How is the training offer changing?

Find out more →

Surprise your audience with a striking glimpse into the future

We are experts in the impact that technology has in the employment and educational fields. 

That’s why we organize presentations, seminars and lectures at different events, companies, and educational institutions. The one thing they all have in common is that they want to raise awareness and open people’s minds in a practical way to the world changing and how they can, and should, get ahead of it to grab all the opportunities they can.

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Meet the author

Elena Ibañez

Founder of Singularity Experts

Elena Ibáñez is INFJ and founder of Singularity Experts, the most awarded vocational guidance platform in the Education field, whose goal is to increase their clients employability by guiding them only towards jobs and studies with future. She is the author of the book " ¿Tu hijo aún no sabe qué estudiar?! ("Doesn't Your Child Know What To Study Yet?".) She is also an expert member in "Trabajos del Futuro" of Los 100 de COTEC ("The COTEC 100",) member of various councils such as the Advisory Board of Instituto Hermes, the Advisory Council of Cibercotizante and the Fundación ERGON. In 2021 she contributed in the Playbook "Hacia una educación personalizada: cómo la tecnología te ayuda a personalizar la Educación" ("Towards a Personalized Education: how technology helps you personalize Education",) the first publication of HAZ, Alianza por la Educación (Education Alliance), a platform that seeks to transform society through education. She also participated in the Funcas documentary New Jobs, which shows the new challenges in the labor market with the technological transformation, as well as the skills that every professional must develop to access the jobs of the future. She is a TED Talker and a regular contributor to the Jobs of the Future section of Expansión y Empleo (Expansion and Employment). She was selected Spain's 100 Women Leaders in 2020 and 2021. She is also Board Member of the W Startup Community and Advisor in several startups. She has been always linked to the educational and business world, she previously developed her career as a Strategy and Digital Transformation Consultant at firms such as McKinsey, KPMG and EY (Ernst&Young). She has been researching the jobs of the future for more than three years, which led her to become the 1st person in the world to own a list of more than 3000 jobs of the future. Last but not least, she is also the mother of a space engineering student, who inspired the foundation of Singularity Experts and who will also pursue a career in a field that does not exist, yet.