Terms and Conditions of Sale

Identification of the Holder

These Terms and Conditions regulate the access and use of the website www.singularity-experts.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), owned by Singularity Experts, S. L. (hereinafter referred to as the "Holder"). Its NIF number –equivalent to the EIN number– is B88127337, with registered office is at Maldonado 29, 28006 Madrid, as well as the guidance service offered by the Holder on this Website.


Accessing and using the Website confers the status of user and implies full and unconditional acceptance by the user of each and every condition included in this legal document. Therefore, we recommend that you read these Terms and Conditions carefully. If you have any questions about the services offered or the terms of service, you may contact the Holder at the provided address or via the following email: helloworld@singularity-experts.com.


This Website has been developed by the Holder for the purpose of providing services to end users. These services are based on conducting various tests to guide each user towards the most suitable future careers for them and to recommend the most appropriate educational paths and skills to develop. The goal is to provide users with relevant information to support them in making decisions about their studies or careers. To prepare this report, the Holder will analyze a series of personal characteristics based on the individual's abilities and interests. The entire process is supervised by a qualified professional with a degree in Psychology.

Service Contracting Conditions

Users can hire Singularity Experts' service online through this Website. To contract the service, users must be over 14 years old, register on the Website, accept these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of the Holder, and make the corresponding payment.

1. Price and Payment Method

The price of Singularity Experts' service will be as established on the Website. All prices indicated on the Website are in Euros and include Sales Tax. The price includes the costs of the tests to be performed and the preparation of the results report with professional and educational recommendations. In the case where the user has chosen the Plus Pack, it will also include a one-hour video conference with an expert coach who will address all user inquiries regarding the results of the report.

The user can purchase Singularity Experts’ service by making payment with a debit or credit card, as well as through PayPal. Once the purchase is completed, the Holder will always send and email to the user confirming the purchase details. If there is an issue preventing payment at the time of purchase, the user will receive an automated payment error message, and their order will not be processed until the payment process is successfully completed. The secure payment gateway used for card payments on the Website is RedSys, which is responsible for the transactions made through the Website. We inform you that BBVA Virtual POS ensures the security and confidentiality of the transaction and the credit card data provided. In this regard, credit card data is transferred directly to BBVA Virtual POS through a secure page with encrypted HTTPS and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) data, so that the Holder does not have access to or store this data.

2. Performance of Tests and Assessments

Once the service is contracted, the user will receive a purchase confirmation via email and access to begin the tests on the Website. The tests will be conducted entirely on the Website and will last approximately 2 hours. At the beginning of the process, the user is informed of the conditions under which these tests and assessments are recommended to be conducted.

3. Delivery of Results Report

The Holder will collect the data resulting from the tests and assessments and will make available to the user the results report with personalized professional and educational information and recommendations through the Personal Area of the Website. Specifically, the results report will be available within approximately 5 business days from the user being informed of the successful completion of all tests and assessments. However, this timeframe may be extended due to methodological reasons, in which case the user will be duly and in writing informed, indicating the approximate availability timeframe of the results. The Holder will send an email to the email address provided by the user when the results report is available. If more information is required, and provided the user has purchased the Pack Plus, the Holder will offer the user a one-hour video conference with an expert coach who will guide them through the results of their personalized report.

Special Conditions for Users Under 14 Years Old

To contract Singularity Experts' service through the Website, the user must be over 14 years old. Users under 14 years old may not use the services available through the Website without prior authorization from their parents, legal guardians, or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all actions taken through the Website by the minors under their responsibility. This includes completing forms with the personal data of such minors and checking, if applicable, the accompanying checkboxes. In this regard, and to the extent that Singularity Experts cannot verify whether users are minors or not, it is the responsibility of parents and guardians to implement the necessary mechanisms to prevent minors from accessing the Website or providing personal data without their supervision. Singularity Experts does not assume any responsibility in this regard.

Security and Password

We inform you that the Website has a feature to protect your account access with a password, so we recommend that you protect your access with a secure password. The Holder advises users that they are solely responsible for the security and proper use of their username and password. Any activity that occurs under the use of your username and password will be the user's responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary for the user to take all necessary measures to ensure that their password remains secret and safe. If a user has reason to believe that their password has been disclosed to a third party, or has been used or is likely to be used in an unauthorized manner, they must immediately inform the Holder and proceed to change their access credentials from their user profile. Nevertheless, the Holder reserves the right to suspend or require the User to change any username or password for accessing the Website for any reason and, in particular, if at any time the Holder considers that there is or is likely to be a security breach.

Right of Withdrawal

According to the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, the user has a period of 14 calendar days from the contracting of the Singularity Experts service to withdraw without the need to provide any reason and obtain a refund of the corresponding amount. To do so, the user must contact the Holder at the following email: helloworld@singularity-experts.com. The user will request the cancellation of the purchase and provide the necessary information, in accordance with the withdrawal model found in in a link attached to this document. Upon receiving the withdrawal request within the aforementioned period, the Holder will cancel the service and proceed to refund the user the corresponding amount within a maximum period of 14 calendar days following the receipt of the withdrawal request. The conditions for refunding the price to the user may vary according to the following scenarios:

1. If the tests and assessments have not yet begun

If the user withdraws from the purchase of the Singularity Experts service before the tests and assessments begin, the Holder will refund the user the total amount paid,

2. If the tests and assessments have begun

Once the user has started the tests and assessments, withdrawal from the service contract is not permitted in accordance with Article 103 of the Consumer and User Regulations, as the service is considered to have commenced. Therefore, in this case, it will not be possible to refund the user the amount paid. In the exceptional case that the user encounters any issues with the tests and assessments on the Website, they should contact the Holder via the following email: helloworld@singularity-experts.com. This way, the Holder will provide a solution as soon as possible.

Download withdrawal form template

Limitation of Liability

The user guarantees that the tests and assessments conducted on the Website for the provision of the Singularity Experts service have been completed by the user themselves and are responsible for their authenticity. The Holder will not assume any liability for the user's use of the provided report or for any consequences it may cause the user. In any case, the Holder will do everything possible to resolve any issues that may arise and to offer all necessary support to the user to reach a quick and satisfactory solution regarding any incident.


The Holder reserves the right to suspend or terminate, at any time and without prior notice, all or part of the services offered on the Website. Furthermore, the Holder reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions, as well as any policy governing the service, at any time. In such cases, the Holder will notify the user with due and prior notice and with sufficient advance notice in a visible area of the Website.

Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution

Pursuant to Regulaiton (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2023 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes, the Holder informs that, in the event of a dispute, a user residing in the European Union may use the "Online Dispute Resolution” platform developed by the European Commission to attempt to resolve any dispute arising from the Holder's service provision extrajudicially. To access the platform, you can do so through the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are subject to Spanish law. In accordance with the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, they submit, at the user's choice, for the resolution of conflicts, to the courts of the user's domicile.

Our entity is a member of Confianza Online (a non-profit association), registered in the National Register of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, NIF G85804011, Calle Castelló 24, Esc 1 2° izq., 28001 Madrid (Spain), phone (+34) 91 309 13 47 and fax (+34) 91 402 83 39 (www.confianzaonline.es).

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law. Additionally, in compliance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Law, we inform consumers that, as a member entity and in accordance with the Ethical Code, users can turn to Confianza Online for the alternative resolution of any potential disputes.


If the disputes relate to electronic transactions with consumers, or data protection in this context, the claims will be resolved by the Confianza Online Mediation Committee, accredited for alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters. If the claims concern digital advertising, or data protection related to this area, they will be submitted to the AUTOCONTROL Advertising Jury.

Additionally, we remind you that you can access the European Union's online dispute resolution platform via this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.