But what is genomics? 

Genomics is an interdisciplinary field of science that is dedicated to studying the human genome, that is, a complete set of DNA, including all the genes of a person or organism. The genome contains all the necessary information for the development and growth of the cells that make up an individual. The study of the genome helps researchers understand the interaction of genes with each other and with the environment, as it also includes studies of intragenomic phenomena (within the same genome), such as epistasis (effects that one gene has on another) and other processes on how it interacts with what surrounds each person. In recent years, thanks to commercial genomic tests, the use of this technology has been popularized, and interest in this technology has grown among society. 

What does a Biostatistician do for Genomic Research?

A Biostatistician for Genomic Research is a professional expert in statistics and data science, who is dedicated to treating different sources of information to carry out an analysis that allows them to draw useful conclusions in the field of Genomic Research. They are professionals capable of creating analysis tools suitable for the needs of research in the field of Genomics. In addition, they must have formal knowledge about this field of science, knowing what type of information is being analyzed and its importance in each case.

Does this work really have a future?

The concern for our present and future health is becoming more pronounced every day, and in the coming years the tools we will have to know and control it, such as Genomics, will become increasingly popular. According to data obtained from forecasts by Grand View Research, the Genomics market will exceed 27 billion dollars by 2025. Currently, some of the challenges in the field of genomic research, according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, are: finding variations in the DNA sequence among people and determining their importance, discovering the three-dimensional structures of proteins and identifying their functions, and developing new technologies for studying genes and DNA on a large scale efficiently. According to the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, by 2025 more than 100 million genomes will have been sequenced, which would be equivalent to 20,000 gigabytes of information. In order to manage this enormous amount of data and draw conclusions from it, entities will need to have experts in biostatistics for genomic research.

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