1. E-Health
The field of eHealth, or telemedicine, is remote medical care and includes everything from a phone call to a surgery in which the doctor is operating from a different location than the patient.
Market: eHealth will reach a value close to $160 billion in 2024, with an approximate annual growth rate of 22%. A survey of over a hundred hospitals in the United States reveals a significant change in the trend that telemedicine is experiencing: a few years ago, 83% of hospitals believed that their patients would not use telemedicine, but today, 75% of hospitals plan to implement a telemedicine department in the coming years.

-Expert in Ethics for AI-based eHealth systems
Responsible for ensuring that the intelligent systems used to provide remote assistance are completely impartial to the patient's needs. At the same time, they must evaluate that the systems that come into direct contact with the patients do not use the information collected to benefit pharmaceutical companies, as it is a clear opportunity to exploit weaknesses or needs.
-Robotics Designer for eHealth systems
Responsible for the design of robotic medical products and their manufacturing process. In fields such as medicine, it will allow for automated care for patients, with the necessary detail to improve their conditions and quality of life, as well as assist doctors in the development of operations or procedures.
-Therapist with Home Support Robots
The Expert in Therapy with Home Support Robots is the professional responsible for assisting patients who use assistant robots in their homes. They must be experts in the treatment of people with disabilities, elderly people, or people with any type of condition that can benefit from this technology as support in their daily lives. They must understand the technology to help these groups make the most of the robots, as well as have a great capacity for empathy to understand the needs of their patients.
2. Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems against theft or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data. It has become one of the major defense lines of current companies. With the proliferation of cloud documents, protecting this sensitive and valuable data is one of the main concerns of companies, regardless of the sector they belong to.

Market: According to Statista, this market will reach $248 billion in 2023. Among the most descriptive examples, we can mention Azure Sentinel developed by Microsoft, which facilitates the search, detection, and response to cyber attacks.
-Cybersecurity Technological Expert
Responsible for creating a comprehensive system of technologies that control the digital security of companies and public organizations. Their main function will be to ensure the optimal implementation of security technologies, which will change depending on the company's protection needs and the type of documents and data they deal with.
-Cybersecurity Innovator in eHealth
The Cybersecurity Innovator for eHealth is the technical professional responsible for creating developments that maintain the security of systems and technologies within the virtual health sector. They will have knowledge of both software development and cybersecurity and their various protocols depending on the channel they work with (web, mobile, database, among others). They will understand the technologies and processes involved in the sector, as well as who can access them to ensure the particular security of patients and their private information.
-Blockchain Engineer for state security and intelligence
To guarantee the security, control, and traceability of citizens' and companies' different data. This figure will be an expert in Blockchain but must also understand the other elements and technologies within the public sector, differentiating the development needs that the Ministry of Defense, for example, may have from those of Agriculture.
3. Edtech
Education is increasingly decentralized and less face-to-face, which requires the development of methodologies supported by technologies that allow for improved student outcomes. These new methodologies allow for personalized and adjusted learning based on each student's pace and the gamification of content to increase their interest and improve academic guidance.

Market: According to IndustryArc, the personalized education market will exceed $2 billion by 2024.