Useful Links

Once you have discovered "what" to study with Singularity Experts, explore in this section the "where", "how", and "when" that will help you make successful final decisions.

Where to Study and Admission Grades

Discover in this link which Spanish universities offer the education you are interested in and the admission grades of the last academic year. You can search by level of studies (Bachelor's degree, Double Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Double Master's degree, and Doctorate), by high school branch, by type of university (public or private), by region, by format (in-person, online, hybrid), by language, etc.


Everything You Need to Know about Vocational Training

Discover in this link how to study Vocational Training (in-person, dual, online, free tests), when to enroll (registration, enrollment, tests), where to study (by autonomous community, integrated centers, reference centers), career opportunities, etc.

Discover Dual Vocational Training

Discover what Dual Vocational Training is, why it offers great employability, and get to know its ambassadors.

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Information about Scholarships

Find all the information to apply for study scholarships at any stage of your education: Vocational Training, High School, other non-university studies, both undergraduate and master's degrees, as well as educational support grants. It includes application deadlines, required documentation, etc.

Coming to Study in Spain

Discover the most useful information if you want to come to study in Spain from abroad: mobility programs, educational and research offerings, publications about the internationalization of the Spanish university system, university collaborations, etc.

Guidance and New Professions

Discover through these videos the dialogue about career guidance, focusing on current topics such as digitization in career counseling, incorporating career perspectives into subjects, exploring new professions and market trends, and more.

Free Video Call for Students with Professionals

A group of professionals from the consulting firm Igeneris is available to students to "give" them 30 minutes of their time to answer questions, guide them, and chat with them via video call about the day-to-day aspects of their interesting professions.